Tuesday, August 6, 2013

What is Glass?

Glass is so prevalent in our lives that we do not pay much attention to it.  Glass is a special type of material that can be recycle, can be very sturdy or very very flimsy, can have a range of brilliant or frosted colors, can take any shape when at the temp of about 2100 degrees Fahrenheit and can be smooth or harmfully sharp.

What are some other characteristics of glass or adjectives you can say about glass?  Come up with 5 that are not mentioned above, for a class Word splash about Glass.

In class I will assign you each a number. Listed below is the information each number will take notes on from the following links.  Bring your notes to class on Friday.  You will have half the class time to combine notes from peers assigned the same number as you and the other half of the class time you will be presenting what you learned to the rest of the class.

1- History of glass
2- Ingredients in glass and what each does for the glass
3- Types of glass and uses of each type of glass
4- Comparison of the structures of glass, a solid and a liquid.

Glass information

Glass a Solid or Liquid

Going to try and Demo this for class, will need to obtain chemicals from Chemistry Department.

Lab for making glass

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