Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Queen of Marbles?

Watch the below videos to learn about the Marble making process, the history of Marble King located in Paden City WV and how to play the game of marbles.

Beri Fox, Owner and CEO of Marble King on the Colbert Report
Here is the link if the video will not load The Colbert Report with Beri Fox

Also view this video of  The Martha Stewart Show, a little history about Marble King.

Portion of the TV show "Made in America"


1. So is Beri Fox really the Queen of marbles?  Why?

2. List four uses for marbles, mentioned in the videos.

3. How much does it cost Marble King to send marbles across the world per pound?  How much does it cost to produce them per pound?  What does she mean by a level playing field?  Think about... How  China's working conditions compare to America's conditions

4. What is the population of Paden City West Virginia?

5. What really hurt the marble industry?

6. Why do they place glass marbles in spray paint cans instead of ball bearings?

7. What is the temperature of the furnaces that house the molten glass?

8. What game do they still produce marbles for?

10. What is the object of the game of Marbles?

1 comment:

  1. I would love to say I'd like to use your lessons in my class but there is a huge chance they would be having you some day. But I think I will tweak it some! :0
